Firstly Id like to say this is an amazing horror film and a great sequel that stands up to the original to an extent. A lot of the criticism I have seen are completely missing the point of the film. For example for those who are saying you can barely see what is happening some of the time, think about it you are basically watching it from a go pro perspective while being chased it is going to be blurry and hard to make out, if this is not what you wanted to see then this just isn't the fault of the film. While having some cheap jump scares, it's not too in your face and to an extent some are believable in the moment such as a friend accidently scaring you while being focused on something ect. Aside from the unfair criticism I also think the film has one of the most interesting and intriguing world and rules for example the strange creature latched inside heathers wound and the time loop the characters seem to be stuck in and finally towards the end of the film the unexplained lights shining through the house. While this isn't the perfect film it still is an amazing horror film and a definite watch if you haven't given it a chance it's just a shame we haven't been able to explore more of this world further.