Spoiler Alert!
Throughout the whole show I only wanted to see one thing.... Juan to lose! I mean he's on a different playing field from everyone else and he has the most background knowledge. Seeing him win is just... a aggravating and irritating. I don't care if anybody else won, as long as it's not Juan, I'm at peace. I really hoped Tyricia or Thiago would've won, cuz they have like the best character arcs and it just felt right if they won. Tyricia was irritatingly anxious while Thiago was saltier than the red sea, alas they've overcame those flaws and became likable people in the end. Still tho Juan shouldn't have won, and I'd pay a McNugget to see anyone else win other than Juan, his personality is just consumed by arrogance and self centeredness that I just can't help but to root against. Other than that, fun show, love the chef, and Cedrick is adorable when he finally opens his shell and embraces his emotions.