The show is an absolute masterpiece. I started it on Netflix around the time of season 4 because I loved all the MCU films but it got boring for me pretty quickly. I came back to it earlier this year and realized I had been missing out. After I finished the first 5 to 10 episodes or so it already became one of my favorite shows. Season 1 was great by the end, Season 2 was even better, and then it just kept getting better after that. All the characters are great.
My rankings for the seasons are:
Season 4
Season 7
Season 5
Season 2
Season 3
Season 1
Season 6
I didn’t really like season 6 but that was mostly because it was too short for me and it was really just setting up season 7.
I saw another person write a review saying season 1 was their second favorite, and I can agree that it’s really good, but almost every episode of seasons 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 are all interesting. Season 1 had some of the best but a lot of the worst so that’s why it’s so low. And if season 7 had been a 22 episode season it would instantly be at number 1 because every episode was amazing. I will definitely rewatch it in the future.