The show overall is great , however there are a few flaws that i found a bit too jarring to say the least , so i'll start with the more negative critisisms i have and end off on positive things i liked . (Spoilers!)
First of all , i find that the character development is handled very poorly, in one episode the character might be growing or changing but by the next episode they learn nothing at all and repeat their wrongful actions , every time they take a step forward they magically reset to where they were beforehand . Second of all , i feel like they're teasing us too much about the world building , instead of actually showing us any type of world building , for example , The Calamity Box , it's been there since the very beggining , yet we still know little about it , or the whole giant robot thing that was teased in a few episodes of season 2 . Lastly , the show at some certaint points feel like disney executives tried to take control over it , the reason why i say that is because Ann at multiple occasions just started randomly dabbing near the last half of season 1 , which just feels like an obvious thing a higher-up at disney would do to seem "cool" or "trendy".
Alright , now that i've got all my complaints out of the way , i can finally explain why i gave this show a 4/5 Stars . The show in many ways has a lot of potential , and it's pretty hard to screw over fans with what they're slowly building towards , Ann as a character is pretty relatable , and her motives are pretty clear . but the big reason why i like this show is because (Spoilers for Season 1 Finale) of the emotional duel between Ann and Sasha , they're fight definitely pulled at my heart strings , since it shows that Ann learned to stand up for herself not unlike how the story began . Not only that , but Sasha's sudden realization that she screwed up shows that she isn't just a generic bully character .
I'd recommend giving it a watch , however i don't recommend binging it all at once because of the whole jarring character development thing , you should probably split season one into 4 sittings , and take a break in between .