Loved it. True at its core to the other two movies, while exploring mid-life crises and the need to continue creating as long as you have breath. (It's not over 'til it's over.) Goofy? Yes. Charming? Yes. Positive and life-affirming? Definitely. And it's a movie with layers. Surprisingly complex if you care to look deeper. Loved the daughters and how the fathers related to them. Won't give away the ending, but it is very satisfying. Made me remember all those great movies in the 80s and 90s, before studios stopped making smaller films and started focusing almost exclusively on novel remakes and superhero blockbusters. Sweet, nostalgic, funny, loving and made me cry at the end. We all need a little more Bill & Ted and less angst. If you loved the first two movies, I'll bet you'll love this one as wel.