Only one issue so far. In Season 1 ep6 The Length of a River, Cassie helps an old highschool friend get over losing her girlfriend ( sorry, fiancee ) who died in a car accident, she figures out that her friends fiancee is suffering in limbo because her highschool friend is still hanging on by wearing her engagement ring, so in the end she convinces her to take it off, and at the very end her friend comes to see her and says, " I think it worked, I feel something lifted" and thanks her
The next episode ( season 1 ep7 ) Let Me in Your Window, Cassie and her old friend are having a coffee together and talking about how good things have been, BUT, if you look closely, she has the ring on again. I'm assuming it's her real life ring from real life relationship which she would of course wear it, but don't make a show about it concerning that actual item, then reverse it next episode??? I can't believe nobody noticed this, since it was the FOCUS of the previous episode???? Especially the editors and possibly the director of the show?????😁😁😁