These women are horrible people. There are massive arguments about it smelling like a turned into a huge issue....why? Because they are selfish. Friends care about one another rather than attack each other because of their beliefs. Both stories are sad and are warranted, so why are they fighting? Everyone is entitled to feel their feelings, correct? True friends would listen, understand and feel for the other. We all experience things differently, yet all they could do was make it about themselves. True friends wouldn't let that come between them.
Then the birthday party....who tf throws a birthday party for their friend and blasts their own name on everything and then makes a "grand entrance"? I just can't.....some of these women (not all) are a disgrace to any culture, religion or belief (I'm sure you know who you are because you're still insecure on the inside trying to make yourself look better with $). Have some respect for yourselves and be a true friend (that means doing something for those you love without being the center of attention). This is part of our societal issues. Try doing something nice for someone that would make a difference without taking any credit or dropping your name, I guarantee you'll feel a sense of gratification you've never experienced. Life isn't about monetary value or how good you look doing what it is you're doing in the moment, it's about life, fun, being goofy, instilling memories and being a role model, something Botox, plastic surgery and fake friends won't give you. Enjoy your financial wealth, I hope in the end it truly makes you happy!