The young fashion designer student, Ellie, travels to London and her dreams of seeing London as her mother experienced the city in the 60's makes her time-travel in the form of glamourous Sandie and Jack.
Ellie has been raised by her grandmother since her mom died 12 years ago. Ellie is exploring a more grown-up risk (by mixing with strangers) than she can handle for her innocent age. This weaves the story into a psychological thriller like what Hitchcock directed long ago.
Costumes, hair, prosthetics on ghosts, make-up and music soundtrack is terrific. Everyone will want the pouf hair style and white patent-leather trench coat that Sandie had. Jack (Matt Smith) is great to see away from Netflix (The Crown). Landlady, Ms. Collins was a favorite actress in the 60's TV show (Diana Rigg/Emma Peel Avengers).
Focus Features is a favorite independent / foreign film production company so I always like the films they distribute.