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I'm from the UK and this is absolutely classic 90s film and the tune is absolutely brilliant
Pulp Fiction: Music From the Motion Picture
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As a British guy this is one of my favourite films of the 90s and still a all time classic it’s up there with die hard , back to the future, goonies , ☺️☺️☺️
The Shawshank Redemption
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Bloody brilliant tv show classic they won't make them anymore like this!!!!! (OK john)
Only Fools and Horses
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Loved it since I was a kid my son loves friends so still favourite U.S show to watch..its big here in the uk and like only fools and horses you can watch it iver and over again ..I went to new york last year I was trying to find central perk cafe like the show but couldn't find it maybe next time im over there