This show perpetuate racial stereotypes and segregation. A clear example is the Harvard lawsuit with Asian Americans who are disproportionately mine organized. Historically black colleges are by definitionperpetuate racial stereotypes and segregation. A clear example is the Harvard lawsuit with Asian Americans who are minimized and adjudicated to the affirmative in the court of law. Historically black universities are by definition in the contemporary age racist institutions that perpetuate racial prejudice against those who attemptminimized and adjudicated to the affirmative in the court of law. Historically black universities are by definition in the contemporary age racist institutions that perpetuate racial prejudice against those who attempt to partake within a normal university and shows such as this causes nothing but deficient victimization andto partake within a normal university and shows such as this causes nothing but deficient victimization and people that fall back on race a the blame for shore coming when half my friend buck up and make more and as soon I I followed the work style I made that too.