The movie was alright. It wasn’t anything spectacular, but there wasn’t anything about the movie that I extremely disliked. The special effects were good, the storyline was decent and I enjoyed the majority of the cast. My only dislike of the movie was the main role Brie Larson. Captain Marvel doesn’t stand out to me personality wise compared to any of the other Avengers, she just comes off as pretty plain and has very minimal character development. Now whether that is the fault of Brie Larson’s acting or just poor character writing I’m unaware, but I didn’t feel Captain Marvel was exciting to watch in comparison to other Marvel films. With that being said I really enjoyed a younger Nick Fury and I also really liked Jude Law’s character Yon-Rogg. Another thing is that Marvel movies always try to add humour into their movies, sometimes it’s funny, other times it seems forced and in Captain Marvel it was hit or miss. Overall, the point of the movie is to hype up Avengers: End Game while providing some backstory as to who Captain Marvel is and the movie did just that. It’s not the best Marvel movie, but it certainly isn’t the worst and I’d recommend that you see it especially if you plan on watching the next Avengers movie.