ok where do i start... i loved love simon and actually after seeing the movie with my friend she had the courage to come out to me after the movie. but however i did feel a bit like i didn't relate to the movie as being part of the lgbtq community. However this show really relates to me in so many ways. As this shows that how hard coming out is when the fear that not everyone is going to support you witch (in my opinion) love simon didn't do. Now i won't give spoilers but in the show something happens that victor and his sister find out about the real reason they moved and it hit me as i went something similar as well as victors grandpa being homophobic as my grand parents are too in real life. overall i think that this makes up for that lack of love simon being too accepting of the lgbt (for me anyway) where as love victor shows the realty that not everyone is going to be accepting of the lgbtq community.