(Spoiler warning)
To put it simply, this movie does not deserve the hate it is receiving. Is it perfect? No, far from it, but expecting this movie to be perfect is the wrong mindset. After the failure that was “The Last Jedi” this movie simply could not have been the best it could have been. It did not have the set up it needed. In due to this, the first act of the film is subpar. The first act very much suffers from Spider-Man 3 syndrome. They have to take the time to establish the plot for this movie as well as correct some mistakes from past films. The first act of the movie also feeds into this problem by having the first portion of the film be nothing more than a glorified search and find. Midway through the second act however is where the movie takes off, and it doesn’t look back. J.J Abrams has the mindset of once the action starts; it does not stop, and it works very well in this movie. It doesn’t feel very rushed after the first act. The second act is well written and provides an enjoyable experience. The third act is what you payed for. The battles of this movie are phenomenal, and the closing does not disappoint. I would argue that the ending battle scene is equivalent to that of endgame. The score, the acting, the writing, and everything else is just nailed. The ending is emotional and extremely satisfactory. All the character arcs are wrapped up nicely and it provides a great conclusion to the trilogy. It fixes several of the mistakes from past films while giving an amazing new story. The message of hope and love has never been so prevalent in a Star Wars film and they nail the themes perfectly. Overall; the film is extremely enjoyable, and provides a great emotional payoff. A must see for anyone who remotely enjoys Star Wars :)