I watched this over the weekend, and was so intrigued that I had to finish it before the work week started again. I thought it was very well written, and I love series like this that I'm pulled in and don't want it to end because I keep wanting to know more about this fascinating character and what she was able to talk people into. I found myself googling the real life people to match up with their on screen characters. For the reviews that state this show is unrelatable, that is because most people watching have a conscience and not a criminal mind, but that is what's so fascinating about it. It's hard to believe that there are people out there that have no moral compass whatsoever, and would go to such great lengths to scam their friends and feel no remorse for it. I also loved the perspective of the story that we, as viewers, could get into the minds of the people she scammed from the interviews of Vivian Kent.