Amazing film!!!!!!!!! Among one of the best film experiences I’ve ever had! While not a diehard Godzilla fan and only seen a couple of movies (maybe 3) this by far is one of the best ones! Especially when compared to all the other huge Hollywood competitors. With only a budget of 15 million dollars it is truly astonishing how to even comprehend how this movie was made to this level of perfection! With most Hollywood productions costing well over 100 million dollars for mediocre content, this film uses every dollar sparingly! However, even when viewing this film with no other outside factors in mind, it still decimates the competition with amazing acting performances, incredibly impressive and stunning visuals, as well as an impeccable soundtrack that references original scores. One more thing, if an option, PLEASE view this movie in 4dx, it is so worth it, especially when compared to other 4dx films. Overall, for the average, and even diehard fan, I think this is a refreshing take on a genre that if I’m being honest I thought was dead; with amazing acting, directing, cinematography, effects, scriptwriting/storytelling, and soundtrack, I would highly recommend watching! *unlike what the rest of this review is telling you, don’t think this movie is perfect, or even close, it is incredibly effective in what it is trying to accomplish and does an excellent job at entertaining (ps tho, the beginning is a ~little slow but still necessary)
Finally: rating: 19/20
Excellent everything (as an artist myself not ~all of the cgi was 100% seamless to me, however to the average viewer it should be)
Should you watch: yes
Worth a watch: yes
Need to do homework before watching?: Not necessarily, however watching a couple films beforehand will definitely give you a better appreciation for it (but def not necessary)