Don't get me wrong, this movie was a lot of fun to watch for the most part. I enjoyed it.
My annoyance is that none of the female characters have really any depth, and the main female character who is a kingsman is portrayed as sometimes helpless without Eggsy, or lesser than (parachute scene, satellite scene). She's awesome don't get me wrong, but like in the end they're all like, "Yay Eggsy! Go Eggsy!" And I'm like, what about her or that other guy? She's a freaking kingsman, she doesn't need Eggsy's help. Also, the female that's the evil assistant lady has zero depth or backstory. Even the evil lead guy has character, feelings, depth. Also, the princess that is captured is not portrayed very well, and is definitely a male-perspective fantasy at the end out of nowhere. Also, not saying abuse isn't a big deal, but Eggsy's mom and sister are also somehow all dependant on Eggsy. It was all super entertaining, but I was just disappointed with how one dimensional the female characters were.