Loved the series until "Asma Khan's" episode arrived. The portrayal of India in the episode is extremely negative. It was generalized that the birth of a girl child in India feels like arrival of death. Couldn't stand those ridiculous words which were backed by sad faces of girls from far off villages who mostly aren't themselves aware of such portrayal of them on a international medium. One should be aware of the impact it creates in the minds of people who watch these episodes beyond Indians. There are millions of women in India whose birth is celebrated, the idea of girl child is changing and is quite different than one could imagine. The nation is moving forward. Please don't put words in the mouth of people by portraying the nation still being in a state of distress that it was in years ago.
Please bring out better story tellers who stay back in India to express their views on Indian roots and the happenings. Not someone who moved to a foreign land and is not aware of things that are currently happening.