In the history of television, where there most shows with endless nonstop nonsense with weird and exaggerated drama,plots and messages, I found this show to be more realistic than any other. It shows a woman's struggle to become a self sufficient human being, making her own identity, and perfect example of what relationships look like with few idealistic touch in them.. I also liked the fact that the lead heroin My fav Aditi Rathore <3, broke the stereotype of how the lead heroin should be thin and skinny. She did a fabulous job portraying all the emotions along with Zain Imam playing the idealistic man of everyone's dream. not to mention, their chemistry was extremely natural that attarcted us toward loving Avneil/ ADIZA. Overall it sends a good message to the society as a whole about acceptance and fighting for the right.
I hope it comes back with the same star cast. I really misss them ..not over it and feel like crying : ' (