it's just pretty. nothing else.
I haven't read the books and was excited to know more about the Tolkien world via this show, sadly, it was a mistake.
The plot is really bad, makes no sense and is generally disappointing. there is no sense of time passing and everything feels undervalued and rushed. some characters appear out of nowhere to plug some plot holes then disappear and reappear only to plug another plot hole. some characters die, then come back to life and are good then die again for no reason. same thing for tension between characters, they like each other, then out of nowhere fight and hate eacher other and they're cold or antagonistic to each other for a coupple of minutes, then all of a sudden in a middle of a random scene they like each other again. basically there is are no character arcs.
it feels like every scene is made, every relationship is written to plug plot holes and speed things up.
It's like they agreed on the big plot points and then lazily stitched them together to make a show. No rational progression, no arcs. IT all feels like ex machina.
The casting is not great. the best actors were the dwarves. Disa was great but the high king was really not good and oh god, Galadriel and Annatar/sauron/halbrand were the wrost. sorry for the actors but the role wasn't for them or maybe they got notes that didn't help them or maybe and most probably the script didn't help at all. I'm sure they'd do great in other roles with better scripts.
Also, orcs pleading for peace, come on! they are creatures of sin and evil who enjoyed doing bad deeds and were bread for war. maybe they don't like to have a boss, they are still evil and take pleasure in evil.
Having them pursuing peace makes the whole story totally irrelevant and unnecessary.
I'm sad this turned out the way it is and I hope that at some point, someone else does something better.
I'll just go read the books I guess and stick to re-watching the movies every now and then.
so much wasted money.