Human knowledge its scope and limits is ambitious endeavor of betranad russell to construct, deconstruct and reconstruct our very characterization of human knowledge from the point of view of logic, ontology, philosophy, , mathematics, linguistics and scientific empiricism with methodological limitations of induction as approach to formulate the entire epistemology of sciences in general. Starting from his logic/mathematical approach in the principia to the extension of same methodology to physical sciences, his writings have initiated a dialogue where he has articulated the problems and limitations of logical and mathematical methods to natural sciences and limits of axiomatic approach towards deductive empirical generalization which have tendency to break the constraints of formal structures with the addition of new data and observations.His commitment to empiricism and appreciation of logical positivism is somehow supplemented by trying to reconcile metaphysics which is not entirely materialistic, although he would appreciate aesthetic sensibility of minimising formal structures or postulates of empirical and logical systems with minimal assumptions but for the sake of truth he could sacrifice beauty of those assumptions,, The pattern which emerges from reading his corpus of literature spanning more than fifty years is someone who did want to wrestle with the ideas and knowledge of his times with aim to evolve a coherent framework exhausting it to both theoretical and practical extremes and looking through both glasses from a stable vantage point in the middle, thus you can say he was in a sense idealist pragmatist in his characterization of things.