Gotham is a series that is centered around Jim Gordon and the GCPD ( Goham city police department) So the show reminds me a little of CSI or any cop show. It's got drama, romance, action/great fight scenes, cool character transformations, and easy to follow story lines. I am a huge Batman fan so from the very first episode I was hooked! Believe me, if Gotham was garbage I wouldn't have wasted my time watching it. They did a good job of juggling all the different characters story lines and they kept the show interesting and fun! The actors who played the villians were phenomenal. Really all of the actors are great and it feels like everyone had a blast participating in the series. I love Gotham, I have watched the whole series twice now. They should bring this show back, but as a series about Batman as an adult. That would be awesome! I highly recommended watching Gotham, if you care about ratings it currently sits at 77% on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB rates it at 7.8/10. I personally give it a 10\10.