Jane is absolutely annoying, overly emotional, incredibly heartless and inconsiderate. She can’t make a single decision which puts everyone into inconvenience. She jumps between Michael and Rafael, and again cannot make a decision between them, which yet again inconveniences them. All she does is cry at EVERYTHING. Her voice and high pitched scream is so infuriating. She’s way too proud to accept help from anyone but complains about the tiniest problem she’s faced with.
Jane might have been a virgin for some time in the show but displayed such loose behaviour. And after losing her virginity, she doesn’t get better.
No one can do wrong by her! She behaves as if she is all knowing and all righteous.
Besides her, her stupid love triangle and obsession with her baby, I pretty much enjoyed the show.
I have to also point out that I loved Petra’s character, as well as her kids and the way she parents them. Jane could take some notes.