Great cast but they never really successfully hit the funny bone. The problem with the script and its allegiance to the climate change crowd is that the unwieldy comet doesn't come with a dominant cultural chorus of so-called experts and complete absorption into pop culture and policy. If this was supposed to be an allegory to climate change, more of the world would have been making up their own data and then crowing about it.
The illustration of incompetence in the presidency however was spot-on with the Biden Administration, right down to the lame-brain dunce of a son (as chief of staff, no less... a future possibility for Hunter?) and the seeking of riches from the comet (read "China") with its intention to decimate us. Hill's aside improv, as it often fails, never really connects to a good laugh. If only Biden was as good at delivering his lines as Streep!
All in all I kept waiting for a cataclysmic laugh, but all I got was a sporadic meteor shower of giggles.