The game is entertaining and gets a lot right but also gets a lot wrong and is the reason these reviews are so divisive. It's incredibly easy to flip flop on what you think of the game. Story just seems not flushed out and is an incredibly simple overall concept that is told in such a convoluted way, it loses its impact by the end. There's so much wrong with the it, that it would be too long to list here. Plot holes, cringey cut scenes, character assassination without any payoff or moral quandarys to explore, this game has it all! It is INSANELY VIOLENT and dark. I get what they were trying to do but when I was playing I was constantly asking myself is this even worth continuing. I honestly had to take breaks it was so grose at points. the graphics are beautiful, gameplay is fun but nothing new from the first game besides going prone. I spent a lot of time with this game and as amazing as parts of it are I honestly think it would have been better if they just left the first game as a stand alone.