I love fantasy movies. Especially cartoon Disney types. This movie started out great. Finally something new! The soundtrack and songs didn't impress me though. I dont remember a single one after having just watched it. I agree with others who say they all kinda sounded the same.
That said, as a child of divorced parents, I was not prepared for the emotional response this movie got out of me. Specifically during the scene where her parents just told her they can't stay together and the darkness starts to consume her. That feeling that comes over you right after your parents tell you is something that you cant explain to anyone who hasn't experienced it. And this movie described it pretty well. I was bawling as she told her child self that we can't go back to how it was. Because as a kid, (I was about 6-8), I wasn't nessesarily angry because I felt my parents didn't love me. I think that may be more of a response older kids (like the 15 year old main character) have. For me, it just felt like my world, my child hood, my security, my family, and my foundation were falling apart. Felt like I was suffocating in that tornado of darkness. And I've never seen that feeling visualized. My fiancé who's parents are still together and has never experienced that feeling, wasnt bawling or even remotely emotional. Its crazy how this movie looks to those who have been through divorce and who haven't.
I was also left with some anger. I was jealous of this girls experience with her parents divorcing. My experience was two parents who absolutely hated eachother, toxic, talked bad about the other constantly etc. So, I was kinda confused when this movie was basically showing divorce as this happy go lucky thing. Its not, but I think this movie shows how a divorce should go. Parents should be civil with eachother around their child. And take the focus off of their broken relationship and themselves and focus on their shared love for their kid. Who was made from their love. Unfortunately most kids experience what I did. And I hope parents watch this and learn from it. Divorce is okay. I think marriage should be fought for until there's nothing left to fight for anymore. But, now that I'm older I'm happy my parents got divorced. Otherwise, constant scream fights would have been my life. Divorce came with its own trauma....and my parents could have handled it better for sure...but, I still think it was the best decision for everyone. So, I don't think this movie is nessesarily promoting divorce. But showing what a "healthy" divorce looks like and how it should be handled. And how a divorce that isn't handled correctly, or staying together and constantly fighting can effect your child. As seen by the main character girl almost turning into a monster by the darkness. Only when the parents focus on their daughter together, and loving her together even though they don't love eachother anymore, do they save her. Its a deep message. Im not sure younger kids or kids who are actively going through a divorce will understand the message fully. It was kinda confusing to me, a 28 year old. Lol 😅 And if a kid who has never experienced divorce watches this and thinks that's how easy divorce is......I hope they understand that's not alot of kids realities. That's probably the only really bad thing about this movie. I dont think this is a realistic divorce. But, its also a fantasy movie. Lol again...kinda confusing.