Stranger Things had genuinely taught me a lot of Things. The friendship of Lucas, Mike, Dustin and Will had proved that no matter what happens, your friends are gonna be always together. Back from S1, when EL arrived, I liked her a lot. She had psyonic and telekinetic powers. Over the episodes, EL was transforming. Then came Max. And finally, Suzie. Stranger Things is truly the best. The show had inspired me to lot a lot of things. Like:-
• Morse Codes
• Walkie Talkies
And the other characters such as Billy, Heather, Kyline, Karen,Hopper, Joyce, Nancy, Jonathon, Steve, Robin, Smrinoff and everyone had taught me that you aren't alone in this world. They had always got your back. No matter what happens, they'll be always there for you, if the bond is truthful and genuine.
Famous quotes like:-
• You can't spell AMERICA without ERICA.
• Friends don't Lie.
And many more, had taught me a lot of things.
The Mindflayer and Demogorgon had taught me that you shouldn't run away from your fears, and should always overcome them. Because, then, you're gonna be a better person than what you currently are.
The bond of Max-Lucas, Mike-El, Suzie-Dustin proved that true love is always there.