I enjoy watching The View very much. It is at times informative, funny and usually a reflection of the conversations between my girlfriends and myself. But when Meghan starts talking as a "fish wife" with her shrill voice, is when I have issues. She wants her point expressed with no interuptions, fine, yet she won't extend that same courtesy to anyone who is trying to voice a different view on the same subject. At that time, I wonder why the control room doesn't just switch off her mic. In my view she is being rude and a
bully, on par with the guy who lives at 1600 Penn Ave in DC. Over talking each other is one thing, but when it turns into bullying, that is beyond the pale. So as to be fair, I must point out, that she and I are 180 degrees apart on almost all issues discussed, but I do appreciate her voicing her take and enjoy them most of the time and the fact she makes no bones about being a Plus Size on TV, I am behind that all the way. It is just her rudeness / bullyness that negates most, if not all, of her positive attributes.