This movie reminds me of Mass. Very similar in the way the story is told. The terrible thing happened already, it’s in the past. For Mass it’s school shooting and for this movie it’s sexual assaults. Then the movie will tell you the discussion that happens after that. The survivors and how they plan to deal with it in the future.
The movie ends when that discussion ends. Very similar to Mass. I simply loved it because there’s just so much things you can do and explore in such a small space. These kinds of movies need the script and the delivery to be perfect in order to nail it because there’s literally no other options to show and keep the audiences engaged. That’s where I think this movie fell just a little bit behind Mass.
While I think the actresses in this movie gave an excellent performance, I can’t deny the occasional cringe I felt whenever the dialogue was too ... cringe worthy. I can sense it that whoever wrote or direct the script didn’t know how to change a subject or topic whenever the actress finished with her heartfelt monologue. It makes the shift more often than not, cringeworthy. It jolted me out of my emotion so I failed to sympathize with the story.