It was a PS plus game and I thought I would try it but didn't plan to become extremely addicted to it. I couldn't put the controller down. The randomness of some of the events involving the orcs were mind blowing. At one point I was trying to dominate a captain when two of my captains showed up with one having a knife pressed against the others throat. He said he hasn't liked my ugly face since he saw me and sliced the captains throat. So during have two fight two captains, I managed to save my captain that was bleeding out. I then dominated the original I was going after and then focused on the traitor. While beating him down, the one I just saved brought it to my attention that they were blood brothers and started attacking me as well. I couldn't believe it. It was like a twisted plot from a movie. There are a lot of wow moments and if anyone is having second thoughts, continue playing until you can dominate captains and I'm sure you will be glad you continued playing.