When Richard Nixon is the good guy in your movie, you're in trouble. Roe v. Wade features actors not at the height of their careers, but who are determined to act for a cause, such as Stacey Dash, John Voight, and Steve Guttenberg, cheek by jowl with enthusiastic but inept amateurs like Milo Yiannopoulos and Mike "Pillow Guy" Lindell. It had a troubled production; the director, the assistant director, and numerous other crew members having walked off the set when they understood the slant of the film, which is painfully factually inaccurate. (For more on this topic, see "A Not-At-All Comprehensive List Of Lies In The Roe v. Wade Movie" on refinery29 dot com). Star Nick Loeb was forced into the director role. He is that same Nick Loeb who tangled with Sofia Vergara over the custody of two fertilized eggs, and lost. This film, his brainchild, is a loser, too.