I feel BBC Breakfast is becoming too shallow and lightweight as a news programme. Long drawn out items that are barely newsworthy are covered comprehensively and then some, while important stories from around the world often completely ignored or mentioned in a sentence.
Interviews of ministers are too often clumsy and verging on rude when really not necessary. It is a skill to get a straight answer from a politician, continuously repeating the question with increasing annoyance and snipes rarely achieves it and is too often the only strategy used. It is uncomfortable viewing to see the interviewee digging in till it's over and the lack of skill on the interviewers part. Missed opportunities.
BBC news on the whole is still one of the best but Breakfast is a very poor relation at the moment!
Please include more international news to keep us all in touch with the world and move away from so much detail and repetition of unnewsworthy items.
Please make sure interviewers can actually knowledgeably interview with skill and integrity.
Please get rid of the silly inane teasing/sparring between presenters that can sometimes feel uncomfortable to watch and takes up the time that could have been given to hearing more about regional or world events.