I really like this show. I do find it a bit campy here and there but most of the super hero TV shows all have that so it nothing new.
Decent story-lines, and great music. It is not the BEST but it is far from being the worst. Based on TV superhero shows, I would give it a solid 7.5/10 (I give arrow 4/10 and the Flash a 8.5/10 for reference).
The one thing I dislike is Tobias. Not sure what it is, just feel like the actor is pushing to hard to come of as the big scary villain.
Now Lady Eve, SHE creeped me out! That scene where she is talking away all casual like while prepping a "dead guy" for a funeral by sucking out his innards just to zoom in on him after the conversation ends and we see he is still alive! Awesome!