This is a crazy ride of a show..
Ryan Murphy master of ENTERTAIMENT
Once again, uses all his band of loony actors to create this slick, stylish and somewhat violent prequel to One flew over the cuckoo‘s nest.
The magnificent Sarah Paulson plays the title role to perfection. Every character is a nut..and deserve to be locked up.
Although it is violent. Causing me to look away at times I could not resist watching it.
The sets are phenomenal,Great costuming. And capturing of the era. All the supporting cast including Judy Davis, Amanda Plummer, Sharon Stone, JonJon Briones, Cynthia Nixon are over the top.
Finn Whitrock is the beautiful monster, incarnate.
This is fun watching show that will have you splurging and leaves you hungry for more at the end.
Ryan Murphy is Hollywood TVs nest storyteller. His shows are always full of Hollywood trivia, that I grew up loving to read about.the innuendos are always there, sometimes causing viewers to miss the point. No one does slick better!