My first impression of this movie is that it is a mash-up of A Princess Bride and A Christmas Story, which many others seem to feel as well. While I wouldn't consider this a "bad" movie, it isn't nearly as memorable or well done as the aforementioned classics. In other words, I don't think there is any danger of this becoming the new defacto Christmas movie. The acting and script are adequate, if uninspired. The numerous 80's culture references made in the movie also don't align very well with time-line reality, but this movie wasn't intended to be a historical documentary. The scene with the Father chasing the son through the mall like a deranged child abuser, complete with punching a stranger in the face and throwing him over the side of an escalator for slowing him down was a bit disturbing and IMO a "swing and a miss" at creating funny violence. Anyways, I'd say this movie is worth a watch so that you can judge the hype for yourself. However, apart from die-hard Nintendo/Video Gaming fans, I don't see this movie becoming any more than a "one and done" movie watching experience.