Campaign 10/10 Multiplayer 9/10 The story drew me in and a call of duty campaign hasn't done that for me since Black Ops. This story is real and it is very dark and gritty with some intense graphics scenes I never expected from a Call of Duty. I am thoroughly enjoying this game this is by far the best Call of Duty in past 5 years. This is how you make a call of duty game and this is why I like Infinity Ward better than Treyarch. Multiplayer is so refreshing the way its played is so much better than last years black ops 4. I haven't touched spec ops yet but I imagine I won't be disappointed. Modern Warfare has a huge cliffhanger where everything comes together through what I would say is a reboot prequel game. This game is the saviour of the series and I think Infinity Ward will be making a sequel....