March 20,2019, this Show has really Lower it's Scale. On a 1-10, I would rate it , way below Zero! Kelly Ripa, used to show Class, as a married women & mother. She is not the women she was , by having Lowering her Standards! I would Be so up set, after today's show, if she was my Mother. First of all, she is all over Ryan Seacrest. I wouldn't be surprised if she would give up her Chair, & decide to sit on Ryan's Lap. Today's comments, on Riding a Roller Coaster Naked, were discussing! Something in the order, that her hair might get caught, How stupid, or the other comment. She nursed 3 kids, & she would have to tie her Nipples Down! How discussing is this remark! If I were her Kids ,I would Be so grossed out! Kelly's Days would Be numbered, if she worked for me. I used to believe,she was so attractive. Nice hairstyle's, and make up. Now, she looks, as if she just showed up after a Run. Time for a replacement! Sorry Kelly, you need to get back on track, and show some Class. If not for yourself, for your kids and family!