It is obvious the Call of Duty franchise doesn't care about its fans or enjoyable gameplay experiences anymore.
- Multiplayer for experienced solo players is completely driven by interference from matchmaking/SBMM. Losing 8/10 matches, playing against full clan enemy squads, longer ping times, lag (packet burst), enemies unloading bullets before they are even visible to me. No such thing as casual games anymore, every match is a championship tournament I didn't sign up for. Absolutely no transparency about this aspect of the game from developers. Do they think we're dumb? Also many maps are remakes anyways...
- Daily challenges to unlock weapons, equipment etc. is wack - truly a tactic to get players to mindlessly log on through multiple days and force players to use equipment they either can't unlock in the first place or depend on other players (like supply equipment to teammates) to waste time
- Campaign plot is unorganized and lacks cohesion. Weak storyline and character progression. Also half the time of part campaigns??
- Aggressive marketing to sell the battle pass or store bundles - have to be careful navigating these screens so I don't accidentally press and buy
- Menus are terrible to navigate - why do I have to queue into a match, cancel, and then scroll through 10 options just to edit my guns, loadouts etc.?
- Zombies is no longer round based and lacks easter egg progression and characters from previously loved games
These games have seriously gone downhill and the price just keeps going up. There is no transparency or acknowledgement at all about these issues despite lots of fan outcry. This franchise no longer cares, it is all about the money at the end of the day now.