It's pretty strong as the first season, honestly good just some minor things like Zuko's set up, since the power of his arc originally came from him being seen as a villain first, victim later, but now Zhao is being the villainized one way to quickly and way too early. And there's some issues in the first episode with pacing, but what ya gonna do, y'know?
However there's something that made me genuinely a little upset, because this show is so good.
I think they really did a disservice by revealing Iroh's son as early as they did. The original episode with his son is so good because of it's timing. They coulda just kept alluding to the fact that he's experienced loss, they didn't have to tell us. Even that was iffy, since Iroh's charm came from knowing he did horrible things (but you didn't know what yet) and seeing how silly and how he genuinely tries to be helpful to Zuko, while teaching him life lessons and becoming annoying. You wonder how he ever did horrible things when he's so disinterested in stuff. His characterization is a whole other issues, it's whatever, what ya gonna do, y'know?. But the thing about that whole episode is it's Iroh going around Ba Sing Sei helping people as the father figure he is, and then, at the end it's shown the stuff he was shopping for was all for his sons birthday, and he starts singing his song, and he cries, and it's like being a kid and watching your parent cry for the first time. It's so powerful, and they've really robbed that scene of it's power.