I knew nothing about the Soulborne games until last summer, when I decided to play DS3 on my Xbox.
Like most players - or casuals - i almost gave up swimming in frustration as I couldn’t beat the Abyss watchers for like a week, no matter how many times or how hard i tried.
Then I decided to apply myself digging deep into the mechanics of the game and that was the turning point where I really started to enjoy it, love it and beat it like 12 times now.
I just finished Sekiro on my Xbox and it is indeed another beautiful masterpiece, although very technical and extremely brutal.
I read all about Bloodborne and this is a game that resonates with me as I’m a big Lovecraft and horror fan,but honestly there was no way I would purchase a new system just to play one game.
Well guess what, the other day I purchased a PlayStation just for this game.
I played it the first time for 7 hours straight and beat the Cleric Beast and Father Guascogne on my first try and now I’m completely hooked.
These games are not difficult, they are challenging because there are specific rules and mechanics you have to obey to in order to beat them.
If you don’t follow the rules you die, if you are greedy you die, if you don’t pay attention you die.
When you play these games you have to make sure you have hours to spare, because they will take all your undivided attention.
After playing DS3 and Sekiro, Bloodborne feels a bit outdated, but the atmosphere, the sense of terror and the fast combat are timeless, and now this is on my top spot out all the From Software games.
I really hope they’ll make a follow up of this game because it is truly a masterpiece.
Update: after one year of playing Bloodborne - and beat it like 15 times now- with at least 9 different builds and helping dozens of Hunters i confirm that this is truly From Soft's masterpiece.
Yes Sekiro is fun - but a little too brutal -, Dark Souls is legendary, but the atmosphere and lore that drags you in Bloodborne is truly unique.
I have been a gamer since the late 80s - yes i'm old - and i can say that besides Mario, Street Fighter and Metroid no other games comes close to the rush of adrenaline i get from BloodBorne.
This game is super addictive!