This is a spectacular series, well written with many juxtapositions and dichotomies in each scene. I loved the wardrobe color selection of the two main characters Nella and Haze. It proports so many angles of their character, personality and focus, while demonstrating their…..”lane” in life and how they definitely answer the question of why things don’t change. Haze shows such confidence with her bold colors and beautiful smile, she represents true black beauty!!! Nella is equally as gorgeous and represents a softness with her colors that don’t interrupt the flow of things. It gives you a bird’s eye view of how we, the Black people, have to tiptoe around white people’s feelings or else ….If dissected, it would show you perspectives from different generations and cultures, as well as the bar none of getting ahead in our current society. These girls are keeping it real and I’m loving it….Rashida you outdid yourself this time girl ….you rock!! Your casting… impeccable! Seasoned actors that hold their own. I can relate personally, I worked in the wealthiest school district in America at one point in my career, but for some reason, we all know the reasons, I was never promoted to principal……one day I had the opportunity to sit in the room with the head of personnel and my boss, I looked them both in the face, and just said softly and inquisitively, “Can you please tell me how in 64 years of this school district’s existence, you could never find one African-American person, male, or female to head one of your schools?”. Of course they looked at me. Nobody moved. Nobody said a word. It was like a school yard stare down right before the fight! This went on for several minutes that seemed like eternity. I knew I needed to leave because absolutely nothing was going to change …except me! This series is so great and I hope you have many many many many seasons, blessings, and best wishes I can’t wait to get back to the next episode tonight and I’m telling everybody I know to watch it!