Having watched this series in full now, I can say I am deeply saddened by Disney's take on Obi Wan. More and more I have heard reports that the directors didnt even know Obi Wan knew anakin was Vader, and it shows they know absolutely nothing about this character. So heres my take:
1. The script is awful. Lines that are cheesy and dull are prevalent throughout the series and it dulls down what we're watching.
2. And perhaps my biggest gripe with this series, is at the end of episode 3 in the movie series, Obi Wan makes clear he will watch after the boy. Sure, did he wait until Luke was 19 to final tell him and teach him about the force, sure, but that can be easily explained by Owen's need to take care of the farm, a plot point made clear in the OT. Obi Wan was tasked with looking after Luke and this demonstrates his failure in this task. Not to mention, the series finale further ruins this, but I'll leave it at that.
3. I dont know whether it's the actress' fault or hers, but the character of Reva is just awful. The acting is poorly done, and falls unconvincing to the viewers, but without knowing more, I dont know where the aim should be directed.
4. The continuity of star wars has been undone with this series. This goes back to the director not knowing anything about what they were doing, but I digress. The fights we see between obi wan and vader are s clear smack in the face to the OT, and it bad. From Obi wan being tossed through fire, to being unable to defend himself at all, it's really bad, and, again, shows a lack of understanding for the greater story.
5. I'll end here because I could go on and on, but my last major gripe is that this series has been yet another example of where the men in the room are all failures and the women are the "know-it-all" heros. Leia knows no bonds and can fix anything. Reva is strong and powerful, and then obi wan is saved by a spy in the empire. Meanwhile, Bail fails to protect Leia, Owen is grumpy as ever, and our hero is just another jedi turned bum.
All and all,this series causes more issues than anything, and falls flat where it doesnt. It's sad to watch and having seen the finale. I could not be more disappointed in this series, of which, I had high Hope's for.