Absolutely Perfect.
Everything about this movie is completely mesmerizing. The performances from Willem DaFoe and Robert Pattinson are career bests. The story is almost nonsensical yet easy to follow, and even then it manages to be incredibly deep and interesting. The visuals are so stunningly dark and beautiful. The sounds of the ocean, rain, and foghorn are haunting and infectious. All aspects of this movie are examples of a mastercraft of filmmaking and whats crazy about it is that this is Robert Egger's second movie.
Also this movie is pretty funny at points, with apocalyptically hilarious monologues. Like there were more moments where the entire audience laughed than some comedic movies I've seen. To add to that if you think this movie looks way too artsy for you: I kid you not there were no less than six perfectly timed fart jokes.
This is a weird, haunting yet hilarious, terrifying yet endearing, juvenile yet mature, masterpiece for the ages.
Go see it........or don't idc. You should though.