Majority of these 5 stars and 1 star reviews are bots, not real people. So I'm not a bot, but a young adult. Some spoilers: For starters, I loved the 2010 Marmaduke since I was a kid. I'd watch it over and over again with my younger sister. I decided to give this movie a try. This movie was and is tied with negative opinions ever since the trailer came out. But in my honest opinion, this movie wasn't bad. A little weird, yes. Like, where Marmaduke blew a big, green, fart cloud in the dog show trophy where some people and animals died lol. Now, some scenes were a bit funny. I would've loved if this movie was an animated version of the 2010 one. However, Zeus was kinda like Bosco as he was a bully and full of himself too. Except Zeus had no girlfriend. Some names changed for the family, except Barbara and Phil. My only problem is I don't get why some of the women in this movie have a thick lower body to show they're a woman. Like, people are aware of a woman character without them being thick. But that aside, I can feel myself giving this movie another watch some day. Remakes aren't always good. Though the 2010 Marmaduke will always be my favorite. Good movie though. Its not as terrible as these bots are saying it is.