On p. 201 of this first edition, the author made a very bad error wherein it states "Others--including ... Bob Bonthius... -- had many years earlier divorced spouses who opposed their political activism." My mother never opposed Dad's activism in WFP. In fact, she had consistently been active with him in civil rights and anti-Vietnam War activities. In Cleveland she attended WFP events. The author's footnote 22 on the sentence has quotes from other activists who say their spouses opposed their activity, but there is no quote from my dad. I know my father would never have made such a statement either, so the grievous mistake remains a mystery. My supposition is that it unconsciously fit a narrative in his own head. Dad called the author, who was apologetic, and received his promise that a second edition would correct the unfortunate error, but it will always remain a hurtful mistake.
My mother unfortunately knew about this error and was terribly hurt by it.