After reading the reviews I felt compelled to write one myself.
I thought the film was a brutally honest depiction of street culture and also showed the clouding mental effect that revenge produces. I also feel that people that have been brought up in a similar street environment (as territorial violence does not only happen in London) will understand the film more instead of just seeing it as a violent film as many have. Personally would of loved for this to have been a series instead of a film so the characters could of been developed more (only so much you can do in 90 mins) but the leads are acted very well and are likeable to the point were at times I felt empathy for both of them. Rapmans continuous rap interludes could be considered annoying by most but I felt it added a certain uniqueness to the film as rap interludes have not really been seen since the late 90s early 00s in low production films.
Also would like say that anyone saying that they took their child to watch the film and it made their child pull or use a knife on someone (or animal #futureserialkiller) need to look at there parenting skills instead of blaming their child’s actions on a film that they have clearly missed the point in. The film is not trying to glorify violence, its giving you a grim, unflinching but realistic view in to the realities of street violence, how it escalates and how it unfortunately but almost certainly always ends. Sometimes the only way to shed a light on the thing that happens is to show it will brutal honesty. Too sum up I would say that this is the best and most realistic British urban street culture film since kidulthood.