It's a good game if you play it on the PC you get updates fairly often but if you're playing on the PS4 or Xbox one don't bother the game lags really bad I have dlc installed and it causes my game to lag the console version is riddled with bugs i asked for help on ea Sims forums but it seems other consoles users are having the same problem hardly any choice for hair all the Sims look the same and the console doesn't have the gallery still all it has is the library some of he houses are good but to use them you need to have every single dlc pack apart from the odd house you get with a single dlc pack if you want this game but it for the PC not the console don't make mine and others mistake on investing in this game you will feel cheated I'm boycotting EA they are money grabbers PC you are treated like royalty while console users are treated like garbage if they do make the Sims 5 I shan't be buying it.