I have become intrigued in good part because I don't have much idea what is going on, and less and less so episode by episode (after four) except that might be because I am a 74 year old bloke.
Erin Doherty is tremendous and it is her performance that keeps me hooked, rather than finding out what really happened to Chloe and why. It is hard to care about Chloe as we have not really had the chance to.
I struggle a bit with the other characters - most seem to be thirty something (or, is it forty something?) 'creative' or media types who live in multi-million pound houses, drive Chelsea tractors, belong to expensive clubs, use drugs, and seem to know everyone that matters, but without seeming to do much at all except swan about. They mostly seem to be variously self-absorbed, inadequate or just unpleasant and largely unbelievable. Or, is that my age again? Perhaps middle class Bristol is like that now?
Were it not for Doherty I would probably have given up by now, but will likely stick with it.