This book reminds of a critically acclaimed series known as Jojo's bizarre adventure, the first novel taking place in 1880, but the part taking place after phantom blood is battle tendency, there are six other parts taing place after battle tendancy the one we will be summerizing in this. The parts going phantom blood(Johnathan), battle tnedency(joseph), star dust crusaders(Jotaro), diamond is unbreakable(josuke), golden wind(giorno), stone ocean(jolyne), steel ball run(johny), jojolion (Josuke/gappy).
We are first taken to a scene of Robert speeswagon and the workers of the speedwagon foundation in a cave with and a large pillar with a shape of a man in it. then go to our main jojo of the part.
Battle tendancey first takes place in New York 1938, we meet a young man named Joseph Joestar also nicknamed as jojo. Joseph is the grandson of Johnathan who is the main jojo in phantom blood (the previous part). He lives with his granny erina. Joseph meet a kid named smokey when smokey tries to steel his wallet, Joseph follows smokey and smokey is already being harassed by a police officer. Joseph tells the officer that the wallet was a gift the officer picks his nose and wipes it on joseph. From the bottle of coke that joseph had previously bought and uses hamon in the bottle to force the cap off and hit the officer in the face. Having him being distracted the two run away. This is the first five minutes of the anime.