This is the worst movie of 2024. Not because of the special effects, or story, but because of the absolute stupid things the characters do and ugh just see below.
Special effects are really well done for a low budget movie. The CGI is good and the werewolf costumes are ok.
1. there is a super moon that happens multiple times a year and the super moon a year ago made people turn to werewolfs if u look at the moon. But somehow this supermoon a year later trigures the turn but not other supermoons. No reason given why. Werewolf transformation last 8 hours and goes away next day with sunlight as moon is gone.
2. Big government funded scientist have this lab where they are testing a spray and eyedrop that prevents you from turning. They have these small cages they put the subjects in to see if the spray works but somehow these cages are not bolted to the ground and are are set up right in the middle of the lab right next to where the scientists are working. It's a tightly confined lab with little movement space. Even without the werewolves this lab would would be dangerous. Cages look like zoo cages with bars so u know the wolves can litteraly push their arm through the cage and kill a scientist or two.
3. Main guy goes to work in said lab and leaves the kid and sister in law home alone. Leaves a shotgun with 12 yes TWELVE ammo for her incase werewolves try to kill them in their house. I mean dude had a year to prepare and goes and builds an electric fence around his house. Blocks up the windows with wood. Installs cameras all over. Puts button trigure pepper spray shots around his house. Bear traps and nail boards around the premises outside... But gets TWELVE frickin shotgun shells for the sister in law. Oh and pepper spray.
4. Said sister in law has the werewolves coming to the house to attack them. She opens the door to each room and fires the shotgun. Not sure if she shooting the wolves because they came in the room because they don't show it. But anyway that's minor. What's dumb is she got 2 shots left... Hears a wolf on the roof which she can not see. Decides to waste those 2 shots shooting the ceiling hoping she hits the wolf. Later wolf gets in so she grabs a knife. Why u wasted your shots shooting the air? Ugg just shoot me now..this movie ugg. Wait, u can't because u have no ammo. They did it this way because...
5. So main guy gets back home and willfully looks at moon light made through holes sister-in-law put in celing and turns to fight some other wolf. He the goes after the family. It's becoming morning outside now. Sister-in-law shoots a single board of a boarded up window and light comes poring into the entire downstairs like someone flicked a light switch on. But get this... Each window has like 6 inches of space from one board to another so light should already be coming in either way as only half of each window in covered essentially. And obviously shooting out one board from a window with 7 boards on it won't do that.
6. Scientist and main guy running from wolves. Main guy jumps into truck driver side. Scientist opens door and stands there for 3 seconds staring at main guy rather than getting in the passenger side of truck. Wolf gets her. Smh.
If u wanna watch this and u can ignore these stupid things then it might be ok but I doubth it. Suggest u take pepper spray with u incase u want to use it on your eyes.