Anatomy of a fall, for me, somehow became about parental responsibility and care for the child, which as the story proves can get terribly mixed up with the individual needs and ambitions of parents. Even as the husband and wife struggle to achieve their dreams and go through the rigours of home making, career paths, living choices: we see how their conflicts deeply affect their son, to the extent he becomes visually impaired. The couple is unable to be selfless and put their son first as parents should. In accidents, death - repeatedly the parents are serving their selfish needs. Through the course of the film, we curiously see a turn - how the young boy becomes increasingly mature, much more than his parents and by the end, seems to parent his parents more than they have done him. He emerges as the protector of the family as an integral unit, the saviour of his parents’ honour, developing the ability to intuit and project, and even sacrifice - none of which his adult parents are capable of doing.